Unbalanced currents effect on the thermal characteristic and reliability of parallel connected power switches
来源:英国立博中文版官网Tohid Rahimi; Lei Ding; Armin Abadifard ;Pedram Ghavidel; Masoud Farhadi; Rasoul Faraji
摘要:In many industrial applications, parallel connection of power semiconductor switches is widely used to achieve higher power levels and fault-tolerant operation. But there is a current imbalance between parallel connected switches in practical applications. In this research, the impact of unbalanced currents on the junction temperature and the reliability of parallel connected switches are quantified and analyzed. Markov based reliability model is developed for quantitative assessment of reliability for parallel switches under different current sharing. The Mean Time to Failure (MTTF) is calculated for different conditions to be used as reliability metric for comparison of various conditions. A sensitivity analysis is also presented to show the effect of parameter variation on the junction temperatures of devices and reliability of the system. At last, a downscaled setup has been built up and tested. Experimental results verify the theoretical analysis and confirm procedure. Also, junction temperatures of power semiconductor devices are measured using thermal camera.
发表于:Case Studies in Thermal Engineering( Volume 26, August 2021, 101134)