Interfacing Issues in Multiagent Simulation for Smart Grid Applications
来源:英国立博中文版官网X. Wang; P. Zhang; Z. Wang; V. Dinavahi; G. Chang; J. A. Martinez; A. Davoudi; A. Mehrizi-Sani; S. Abhyankar
摘要:This paper discusses design and application of the multiagent simulation technology aiming to meet smart grid requirements. The difference between multiagent systems and multiagent simulation in smart grid applications is clarified. The state-of-the-art applications of multiagent simulation in power and energy systems are classified based on the simulation environment. The paper also addresses the interface issues including synchronization and data distribution for multiagent co-simulation. In addition, the emerging research paradigms in smart grid multiagent simulation are identified.
发表于:IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery (Volume: 28, Issue: 3, July 2013)